With coins, players can purchase items for the farm, such as upgrades for the chicken coop and special items to help keep the chickens safe. The game also features a variety of mini-games that can be played to earn coins. As the game progresses, players can upgrade their coop and add more chickens. Players must also interact with the chickens by feeding them, collecting eggs, and keeping them safe from the fox. They must build a chicken coop, fill it with chickens, and then protect them from the fox. The game begins with Farmer Brown giving players their first assignment.

Players must help Farmer Brown raise a flock of chickens while keeping them safe from the fox that is always lurking around the farm.

This colorful game features vibrant graphics and a fun, family-friendly storyline. Windows 1998 Adventures with Chickens, released in 1998, is a classic Windows game that puts players in the shoes of a chicken farmer.